Michael Belligoi
Michael Belligoi graduated from the University of Queensland in 1981 with Bachelor of Dental Science degree.
He worked as a general dental practitioner in London and Luton in Bedfordshire for 4 years prior to moving into Hospital Oral Surgery Practice.
He completed his Fellowship in Dental Surgery FDSRCPS Glasgow in 1989.
He joined the postgraduate program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Melbourne the same year and spent 5 years training.
Following completion of the training program in Melbourne in 1993, he pursued further training in the United Kingdom with a visiting Registrar job in Cambridge.
He completed his Fellowship in Oral Surgery FFDRCS I in 1997 and completed his specialist Fellowship in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery FRACDS OMS in 1998.
He was employed as a Locum Consultant and Lead Clinician in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Fife in Scotland for 8 months and then was a Locum Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Southampton General Hospital prior to this appointment to the Jersey General Hospital.
He has been the Consultant and Lead Clinician in the Oral and Maxillofacial Unit at the Jersey General Hospital for the last 18 years and has been Chairman of the Division of Head and Neck Surgery for the last 6 years.
He practices a broad range of oral and maxillofacial surgery but has a particular interest in orthognathic surgery, reconstructive surgery and implant reconstruction after trauma, cancer resection and for the management of tooth loss.
Within the field of implant surgery, he has a particular interest in Cone Beam CT and the use of 3-dimensional planning and surgical guides.
He has postgraduate training and over 20 years experience in the use of multiple implant systems and currently used Biomet 3i, Ankylos and Nobel Biocare implant systems.
He uses Med3D implant planning systems and has in-house computer guided drill machines for this system and uses Simplant OMS for orthognathic surgical planning of complex cases and trauma reconstruction.
He currently holds the post of Postgraduate Dental Tutor at the Jersey General Hospital and for the Jersey Dental Association.

John Elliott
John Elliot graduated from the University of Glashow in 1992 with a Batchelor in Dental Surgery, he then worked in the hospital surgical service at Glasgow dental hospital and in the Maxillo Facial surgical units in Newcastle and Forth Valley, completing the Fellowship in Dental Surgery, FDSRCPS(Glasg) in 1995.
He then went on to graduate as a Batchelor in Medicine and Surgery, MB.ChB., from the University of Glasgow in 2000. This lead to him completing basic surgical training, on the West of Scotland program, and complete the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons FRCS in 2003 in general surgery.
Following this John enrolled in higher training on the Scottish Oral and Maxillo Facial program and completed this in 2008 gaining the BAOMS Gold Medal in the final examination for the FRCS (OMFS), with a six month post CCST Fellowship in head and neck oncology and palliative care based in multiple Glasgow units.
He was employed as a Consultant Oral and Maxillio Facial Surgeon in Carlisle in 2009 where he worked for 14 years, prior to coming to Jersey, with a broad practice and specialist interest in head and neck surgical oncology including advanced reconstructive techniques. He served for much of that time as an unpaid Clinical Governor of the Eden Valley Hospice.
During this he served as Medical Director for clinical research publishing many papers in national and international journals, e.g. The Lancet. He was the principal investigator on the SIREN study, the largest global study in the COVID-19 in health care and has published extensively in this field.
Since coming recently to Jersey he has become the Clinical Lead for Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery and is the Clinical Guardian for junior doctors in training.
John has a broad practice and embraces all aspects of Maxillo Facial Surgery with emphasis on advanced modern techniques and imaging.